A tech enabled approach for auditors to safeguard themselves from increased surveillance risk

Boost Audit Security: The Tech in Auditing

The Tech in Auditing Amid Stricter Regulations and Growing Risks


The audit profession is under strict scrutiny. Both the public and regulators are watching closely. The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) was created under the Companies Act, 2013, and it enforces strict rules for auditors.

Because of this, auditors now face serious penalties if they fail to detect fraud. These penalties can include bans of up to 10 years, and even Big4 firms are not safe from these risks.

Recent court cases show how expectations for auditors have changed:

  • ICAI v. Mukesh Gang: The Hyderabad High Court found auditors guilty of gross negligence because they had failed to follow audit standards.
  • Union of India v. M.N. Basu: The Calcutta High Court, however, took a different view and ruled that some mistakes were due to errors in interpretation, not negligence.

As a result, the idea that auditors are “watchdogs, not bloodhounds” now seems outdated. In the past, auditors often skipped key steps, such as obtaining independent confirmations. However, risks in the profession have increased greatly, while earnings have not grown to match these risks.

How Technology Is Helping Navigate New Pressures in Auditing

To manage these challenges, auditors are now using new technologies. Navigating New Pressures: The Tech in Auditing highlights this important shift.

For example, many firms use tools like practice management software, data analytics, and audit confirmation platforms. These tools make audits faster and more accurate, and they also reduce costs.

Firmway is one such platform that automates the entire audit confirmation process. In cases like Satyam, fraud happened because auditors relied too much on client-provided data. They did not verify the information with independent third parties, such as banks.

Firmway: A Game-Changer in Auditing

Firmway helps auditors automate the audit confirmation process, and it works in collaboration with ICAI to ensure compliance with SA 505 guidelines.

The platform makes confirmations easier and more reliable. For instance, in cases like Satyam, independent confirmations could have stopped fraud early, and Firmway provides an automated solution for this.

In addition, the platform saves time and reduces effort. It ensures financial data is clear and accurate, which lowers the risk of fraud and human errors. Furthermore, it makes audits faster and smoother.

In today’s challenging environment, tools like Firmway build trust among auditors and regulators because they make processes more transparent.


Navigating New Pressures: The Tech in Auditing shows that auditors must adapt to growing risks. Tools like Firmway give them the support they need, and these tools help auditors protect themselves while delivering better results for clients and stakeholders.

To learn more about Firmway’s Audit Confirmation tool, Click here.

Budget 2021 On Corporate Finance

Budget 2021 On Corporate Finance

Budget 2021 On Corporate Finance

Budget measures: Direct and Indirect Tax changes

  1. Relief granted on dividend income earned by shareholders:
    1. Advance tax liability will now be computed on dividends only after declaration or receipt whichever is earlier;
    2. TDS exemption on dividends paid by SPVs to REITs and InvITs;
  2. TDS related provisions have been made more stringent:
    1. TDS at 0.1% to levied on the purchase of goods above INR 5 mn a year, where the turnover of the buyer exceeds INR 100 mn
    2. The rate of TDS/ TCS shall be higher than 2x actual rate, or 5%, in case of non-filing of ITR for the last 2 years
  3. Late deposit of employee contribution to labor welfare funds would not be allowed as a deduction to the employer.
  4. Tax Audit applicability based on turnover limit has been increased from INR 50 mn to INR 100 mn, with 95% of receipts and payments being digital;
  5. GST minor compliance changes – Form 9 substituted with self-reconciliation and Form 9C being scrapped.

Has the Budget made managing Corporate Finance somewhat easier?

  1. Relief on dividend income is a welcome move since this helps CFOs to pay dividends more tax-efficiently, making future investments in their companies more lucrative;
  2. Additionally, dividend relief to REITs and InvITs shows the government’s commitment to continue providing support to the conglomerates operating in real estate and infrastructure space (eg. Logistics);
  3. However, the government seems to be more and more unforgiving to defaults in TDS/ TCs norms. Companies/ CFOs ought to take note and ensure compliances accordingly;
  4. With easing of tax audit norms (both income and GST), it has reduced the compliance burden for smaller and subsidiary companies of larger MNC groups, whose turnover is within the limits, helping the CFOs to focus on running financing operations of the group.


CFOs ought to take note of the changes in the Budget and plan their next financial year accordingly. The budget may come off as somewhat bittersweet, however, relief in dividend provisions, including for REITs and InvITs, is an indicator for the government’s push to bring more investment into India. TDS provision becoming more stringent comes as no surprise given the current risk of non-compliance (monetary penalties in addition to the risk of prosecution of managerial personnel of the defaulting companies).

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhayan – Benefits for MSME

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Empower MSMEs for Growth


Existing MSME Classification

Criteria: Investment in Plant & Machinery or Equipment

Mfg. EnterprisesInv. < Rs. 25 lacInv. < Rs. 5 cr.Inv. < Rs.10 cr.
Services EnterpriseInv. < Rs. 10 lacInv. < Rs. 2 cr.Inv. < Rs. 5 cr.

Revised MSME Classification

Composite Criteria : Investment And Annual Turnover

Manufacturing & ServicesInv. < Rs. 1 cr.
Turnover < Rs.5 cr.
Inv. < Rs. 10 cr.
Turnover < Rs.50 cr.
Inv. < Rs. 20 cr.
Turnover < Rs.100 cr.

Now that we’ve covered the MSME classifications, let’s turn our attention to the major benefits provided under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

Major Benefits for MSME

  • Collateral Free automatic loan to MSME up to 20% of entire outstanding credit as on 29th February 2020. Borrowers up to Rs 25 crore outstanding & turnover up to Rs. 100 crore are eligible. Loans for 4 years with a moratorium of 1 year of principal repayment. No guarantees required. Scheme can be availed till 31st October 2020.
  • CGTMSE with the support of 4000 Cr from Govt, will give partial credit guarantee to bank to allow them to give debt to promoters of MSME, who then will infuse the fund as equity.
  • 50,000 crore equity infusion for expansion of MSME through Funds of Funds.
  • Government will facilitate provision of Rs 20,000 crore subordinate debts for Stressed MSME which are NPA or stressed.
  • Receivables from Govt and CPSEs to be released in 45 days.
  • Global tenders will be disallowed in Government procurement tender upto Rs 200cr.
  • E market linkage for MSME to be promoted.

Tax Changes

  • All TDS and TCS rates reduced by 25% for Non-Salaried Resident Payments. Reduction is applicable from 14th May 2020 to 31st March 2021.
  • All refunds to non-corporate business & profession to be issued immediately.
  • All Income tax returns due date extended to 30th November 2020.
  • Tax audit due date extended to 31st October 2020.
  • All assessment getting barred on 30th September 2020 extended to 31st December 2020
  • All assessment getting barred on 31st March 2021 extended to 30th September 2021
  • Vivid Se Vishwas Scheme extended to 31st December 2020 without any additional payments.

EPF Benefits

Establishment Under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP):

  • EPF relief extended for the month of June, July & August and will be paid by Government.

Other Establishment covered by EPFO

  • Statutory PF contribution of both employer and employee will be reduced to 10% from 12% for next 3 months (except CPSEs & PSU’s employer’s contribution).


  • Government will launch a Rs 30,000 crore Special Liquidity Scheme for NBFCs/HFCs/MFIs. Under this scheme investment will be made in both primary and secondary market transactions in investment grade debt paper of NBFCs/HFCs/MFIs. Securities will be fully guaranteed by Government.
  • Rs 45,000 crore Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme 2.0 for NBFCs/HFCs/MFIs. First 20% of loss will be borne by Government. AA paper & below will be eligible for investment.
  • PFC/REC to infuse liquidity of Rs 90,000 cr to DISCOMs against receivables
  • Central Public Sector Generation Companies shall give rebate to Discoms which shall be passed on to the final consumers (industries).


  • Treat COVID-19 as an event of ‘Force Majeure’under  RERA.
  • Extend the registration and completion date suo-moto by 6 months.
  • Regulatory Authorities may extend this for another period of upto 3 months, if needed.
  • Issue fresh ‘Project Registration Certificates’ automatically with revised timelines.
  • Extend timelines for various statuary compliances under RERA.


  • PSU contracts to be extended for upto 6 months so that contract may be completed including for PPP contracts.

How to Write Effective Balance Confirmation Letters for Debtors

Balance Confirmation Letter

Illustrative of Balance Confirmation Letter to be sent to Debtors – Positive Form

[Letterhead of Entity]


[Name and address of debtor]

Dear Sir,

For audit purposes, kindly confirm directly to our auditors (name and address of  the auditors) that  the balance of  Rs xx due by you as on ________ , as shown by our books, is correct. The details of the balance are as under: Note: In case the list of invoices forming the balance is too large, these details may not be given

Invoice NoDateOrder Reference / Acceptance / Tender No. etc.Amount
Less : Advanced Received
Net Amount due by you

A stamped envelope addressed to our auditors is enclosed for your convenience.

If the amount shown is in agreement with your books, kindly strike out the paragraph marked (B) below. Otherwise, please furnish the details in the proforma given in the paragraph marked (B) below and strike out paragraph (A).

In either case, kindly sign at the place provided below and return this entire letter directly to our auditors in the enclosed envelope.

Your prompt compliance with this request will be appreciated. Kindly return this form in its entirety.

Yours Faithfully,

(Signature of responsible official of the entity)

(Name and Address of entity)


(A) We confirm that the above stated amount is correct as at ______


(B) We state that the above-stated amount is not correct as per our records. The details of the balance as at _________ as per our records are as below:

Invoice NumberDateOrder ReferenceAmount
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLess : Advanced paid(xxxxx)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNet Amount due from us(Rs)xxxxxx

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of debtor/responsible official)

Illustrative Balance Confirmation Letter to be Sent to Debtors Negative Form

[Letterhead of Entity]


[Name and address of debtor]

Dear Sir,

For audit purposes, kindly write directly to our auditors (name and address of the auditors) if the balance of Rs. due by you as on _______ as shown by our books, is not correct, giving details of the differences. The details of the balance are as under:

Note: In case the list of invoices forming the balance is too large, these details may not be given

Invoice NoDateOrder Reference /Acceptance/ Tender No. etcAmount
Less : Advanced Received
Net Amount due by you

If you do not notify our auditors of any difference within ten days of the date of this letter, it will be presumed that the balance stated above is correct.

A stamped envelope addressed to our auditors is enclosed for your convenience.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of responsible official of the entity)

Source: Guidance Note on Audit of Debtors, Loans and Advances published in June, 1994 issue of ‘The Chartered Accountant’.

Use Firmway.in for obtaining balance confirmation in compliance with the Guidance Note.

MSME Form 1

MSME Form 1 – Complete guide that you need to know

MSME Form 1 – All that you need to know

What is the fuss around MSME Form 1?

MCA came with an order dated 22nd Jan 2019 that: Every Company which has received goods or services from Micro & Small Enterprise and Payment is due/ not paid to such enterprise for 46 days from date of acceptance shall file in MSME Form 1


  • Only Micro and Small Enterprise Suppliers are considered. Moreover, Medium Enterprise suppliers are not considered as per the notification.
  • Furthermore, the 45 days calculation starts from the date of acceptance/deemed acceptance and not from the date the balance becomes due

Who is MSME?

MSME is classified into two categories:

  1. Manufacturing enterprise
  2. Service enterprise

They are defined in term of investment in Plant and Machinery/ Equipment  as below

Manufacturing Enterprises< Rs 25 Lacs< Rs 5 Crs< Rs 10 Crs
Service Enterprises< Rs. 10 Lacs< Rs 2 Crs< Rs 5 Crs

Note: Only registered enterprises having valid MSME certificate shall be considered. In addition, Udyog Aadhar is also considered as MSME registration.

What is MSME Form 1?

A Half yearly return to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs stating the following:

  • Name of Supplier
  • PAN of Supplier
  • Amount Due
  • Date from which such amount is due
  • Reasons for Delay (Generic) (eg – Credit period>45 days, Goods in Transit, Material rejected/returned, etc)


  • Here the details like amount and date are with respect to the due date and not the date of acceptance.
  • For example, an MSME vendor delivered you goods on 1/12/18. The credit period is 60 days. Hence you have to report this vendor in MSME form 1 since it is more than 45 days as on 22/1/19. However, the amount due would be Nil and date from which such amount is due – 30/01/2019.

What is the due date?

Filing PeriodDue date of Filing
Initial Return (Payable for more than 45 days as on 22nd Jan 2019)30th May 2019
From April to September31st October
From October to March30th April


Only the first return is an “as on 22nd Jan 2019” return. For regular returns post that, you have to report all the MSME vendors to whom the payment was not made within 45 days from the date of acceptance in the said period.

MSME Form 1How do we do it?

Step 1: First, go through your list of vendors to whom Payment is due/ not paid for 46 days from date of acceptance

Step 2: Next, identify the list of vendors you think can be MSME

Step 3: Then, send them MSME confirmation asking whether they are MSME as on the said date. And if yes, ask them to attach their registration certificate as on the said date

Step 4: Once you receive the certificate, furnish their details in Form MSME -1

Is it Mandatory to file MSME Form 1?

– Yes

Is there any Penalty?

– Yes

  • On Nonfilling or
  • On Knowingly furnishes incorrect/ Incomplete Information.
On defaulting companyExtended Up to  Rs. 25,000/-
Every Officer who is in default

(Directors, CFO and CS)

Minimum Fine Rs. 25,000/- which may extend to Rs. 3,00,000/-


Imprisonment which may extend to 6 Months



What if I missed the due date?

– Don’t Worry! MCA is currently allowing (as on 6/6/2019) filling of MSME Form 1 – Without Penalty.

What if I missed filling some vendors in the return?

– Don’t worry! You can file another return for the same period with the vendors you missed in your earlier return

Is there any software which can easily get MSME Confirmation from all Vendors?

The Firmway tool can allow the companies to manage their entire MSME confirmations for one time and recurring return. Just upload a simple excel file with Vendor Name, Email Id and mobile number. The software will automatically trigger email and SMS to every vendor, do a rigorous follow-up and provide a real-time dashboard.

Know more about it – firmway.in



All Readers are advised to refer relevant provision of law before applying or accepting any of the point mentioned above or not. The author accepts no responsibility whatsoever and will not be liable for any losses, claims or damages which may arise because of the contents of this write-up.

Audit Confirmation

Audit Confirmation Pitfalls & How Firmway Offers A Better Way

Audit Confirmation Software

In the realm of financial audits, undoubtedly, audit confirmation plays a crucial role by verifying the accuracy of financial statements and thereby ensuring the credibility of an organization’s financial position. In addition, they act as a fundamental tool for auditors to confirm the existence, ownership, and accuracy of various financial balances and transactions. However, the traditional manual processes used to obtain these confirmations often come with significant challenges that can impact the reliability and efficiency of the audit.

The Importance of Audit Confirmations

Audit confirmations are vital for maintaining the integrity and accuracy of financial reports. They provide external evidence that supports the reported balances and transactions; therefore, they help auditors verify that the financial statements accurately reflect a true and fair view of the organization’s financial position. Moreover, this evidence enhances the overall reliability of the financial reporting. Confirmations are particularly important in detecting and preventing fraud; moreover, they offer an additional layer of validation. This extra layer can, in turn, uncover discrepancies or fraudulent activities.

Despite their importance, the process of obtaining confirmations through manual methods can be fraught with difficulties. Furthermore, the flaws inherent in these manual processes necessitate a more effective and efficient solution. Consequently, this is precisely where Firmway’s audit confirmation software comes into play.

Audit Confirmation

Common Pitfalls of Manual Audit Confirmation

  1. Human Error: Manual audit confirmation processes are highly susceptible to human error. Errors can occur during data entry, sending out confirmation requests, or interpreting responses. These mistakes can lead to inaccurate confirmations, which may compromise the audit’s overall reliability and the accuracy of financial statements.
  2. Time-consuming and Inefficient:  The manual process of obtaining audit confirmations is often slow and labor-intensive. It involves preparing confirmation requests, sending them out, tracking responses, and following up with non-respondents. This lengthy process can delay financial reporting and affect the timely completion of audits.
  3. Verification Difficulties: Verifying the identity of the confirmer is a critical aspect of the confirmation process. Manual methods often lack robust verification mechanisms, making it challenging to ensure that responses come from legitimate and authorized sources. This can increase the risk of fraud or misrepresentation.
  4. Inconsistent Follow-Ups: Follow-ups are essential to obtaining confirmations, but manual follow-up processes can be inconsistent and unreliable. This can result in incomplete confirmations and gaps in audit evidence, making it difficult for auditors to draw accurate conclusions.
  5. Data Security Concerns:  Manual handling of sensitive financial information poses significant security risks. Physical documents are vulnerable to loss, theft, or damage, while electronic communications may be susceptible to unauthorized access. These risks are heightened in a manual setup, where security measures may be inadequate.

How Firmway’s Audit Confirmation Software Addresses These Pitfalls

Firmway’s audit confirmation software offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the challenges associated with manual methods. By automating and streamlining the confirmation process, Firmway enhances accuracy, efficiency, and security.

1. Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Errors

Firmway’s software minimizes human error by automating data entry and processing. Moreover, the platform ensures that all confirmation requests are accurately prepared and sent. Additionally, responses are systematically recorded and analyzed. Consequently, this automation reduces the likelihood of mistakes and ensures that confirmations are reliable and accurate.

The software also includes built-in error-checking mechanisms that flag inconsistencies or potential issues. Consequently, auditors can address them promptly. Moreover, this level of accuracy is crucial for maintaining the credibility of financial reports and ensuring that audit conclusions are based on reliable evidence

2. Accelerated Confirmation Process

The traditional manual process of obtaining confirmations is often slow and cumbersome. However, Firmway’s automated platform significantly speeds up this process by streamlining workflows. Furthermore, it reduces the time required to obtain confirmations, thus enhancing overall efficiency.

Automated features include the ability to send bulk confirmation requests, track responses in real-time, and manage follow-ups efficiently. Consequently, this acceleration not only helps meet tight financial reporting deadlines but also enhances the overall efficiency of the audit process. Furthermore, by streamlining these tasks, your team can focus on more strategic aspects, ultimately improving overall productivity.

3. Robust Verification Mechanisms

Firmway’s software includes advanced verification features that ensure the legitimacy of the confirmer. The platform uses sophisticated algorithms and authentication methods to verify the identity of the responder, providing confidence that confirmations are received from authorized and legitimate sources.

This robust verification process helps reduce the risk of fraud and ensures that the confirmations obtained are valid and reliable. Additionally, it enhances the overall security of the confirmation process, thereby protecting sensitive financial information from unauthorized access. Furthermore, this approach reinforces the trustworthiness and integrity of the entire system.

4. Automated and Consistent Follow-Ups

Follow-up is a critical component of the audit confirmation process, particularly for obtaining responses from non-respondents. Firmway’s software automates follow-up communications, ensuring that all outstanding confirmations are pursued systematically and consistently.

The platform can schedule and send automated follow-up requests at predefined intervals, significantly improving response rates and reducing the likelihood of incomplete confirmations. This automation ensures that auditors receive the necessary evidence to support their conclusions and complete the audit effectively.

5. Enhanced Data Security

Data security is a top priority for Firmway’s audit confirmation software. The platform employs advanced security measures, including encryption and secure communication protocols, to protect sensitive financial information throughout the confirmation process.

By leveraging these security features, Firmway ensures that all data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access. This enhanced security reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures that audit confirmations are handled with the highest level of security.

Types of Confirmations Supported by Firmway

Firmway’s software supports a wide range of audit confirmations, making it a versatile tool for auditors across various industries. The types of confirmations include:

  • Debtor Confirmations: Verifies amounts owed by customers, ensuring that receivables are accurately reported in the financial statements.
  • Creditor Confirmations: Confirms outstanding liabilities, providing assurance that payables are correctly stated.
  • Loan Confirmations: Validates the existence and terms of loans, ensuring that both assets and liabilities are properly recorded.
  • Stock Confirmations: Confirms stock levels and values, helping to verify inventory balances.
  • Bank Balance Confirmations: Verifies cash and bank balances, ensuring that financial statements reflect accurate cash positions.

Why Choose Firmway’s Audit Confirmation?

Firmway’s audit confirmation software offers a modern solution to the challenges of manual confirmation processes. By automating and enhancing the confirmation process, Firmway provides a more reliable, efficient, and secure alternative that meets the needs of today’s auditors and organizations.

Choosing Firmway means embracing a smarter approach to audit confirmations—one that reduces risks, improves efficiency, and enhances the credibility of financial reports. With Firmway, auditors can confidently conduct their work, knowing that they have a powerful tool to support their efforts.

To experience the benefits of Firmway’s audit confirmation software, register here: https://app.firmway.in/register

Firmway helps to enhance the credibility of financials, detect and prevent frauds to uphold the interests of the various stakeholders.

Confirmations being an important source of authentication for the various stakeholders, the various flaws associated with the manual process had to be mitigated. To ensure a flawless and effortless process of obtaining confirmations, an effective and proficient platform was obligatory—this led to the birth of FIRMWAY. The unique verification process makes it the best way of obtaining confirmations.

Types of confirmations taken:

  • Debtor
  • Creditor
  • Loan
  • Stock
  • Bank Balance

Firmway sends the Confirmation, Verifies the Confirmer, carries out regular follow-ups with the Confirmer and Summarizes Responses.

To Register please click here: https://app.firmway.in/register

Balance Confirmations

Balance Confirmations Simplified: A New Approach For Finance Departments

Balance Confirmations: A Never-Ending Nightmare for the Finance department

Financial year closure ensures that the accounts team is occupied with winding up their chef d’oeuvre, “Financials.” However, the idea itself of obtaining manual #confirmations from debtors, creditors, and banks proves to be one of the culprits for undesirable hitches. The reason is that Firmway has, therefore, come up with a process that, consequently, has made the Balance Confirmations process easy.

Challenges Faced During Financial Year Closure

The finance team often finds confirmation tasks daunting, involving hundreds of confirmations, thousands of follow-ups, and countless minutes spent on calls. Although the ever-increasing #audit pressure is capable of driving an individual insane,.

Balance ConfirmationsThe Daunting Task of Manual Balance Confirmations

If the individual survives the above-stated stages along with unrealistic excuses like person not being in place, attending meeting, on leave, having system issues, having a tight schedule, etc., he is then exposed to the challenges of pursuing and closing the unreconciled differences by re-contacting those parties, asking ledgers, tallying line items, finding differences, communicating it, discussing it, negotiating them, and finally closing it.

The Pressure of Audit and Its Impact

The story doesn’t conclude at closure unless one has completed that one thing the whole world approves of: #‘Documentation’.

In spite of hundreds of days of hard work, the manual process leaves rooms for errors, fraud, etc.

And by the time the whole cycle is about to complete, confirmations for the next quarter already in awaiting actions.

Introducing Firmway: Your Solution to Balance Confirmations  Challenges

Are you facing similar problems?

Not to worry anymore, a young team of chartered accountants, in support of senior professionals of the fraternity, has come up with unique software to streamline the entire process: “FIRMWAY”— Balance Confirmations were easy.

How Firmway Simplifies the Balance Confirmation Process

Firmway seamlessly integrates with your accounting software, handling confirmations, timely follow-ups, balance reconciliation assistance, and providing real-time dashboard monitoring.

Technology enhances confirmation legality with verified parties, authorized responses, and IP tracking, at an affordable cost.

Prashant Gupta

Co-founder | CEO


Visit www.firmway.in or email at [email protected] for a quick web demo or a physical demo.


GSTR-3B Return Filing: Expert Tips And Guidelines You Need To Know

GSTR-3B: Insights

The government has published the GSTR-3B format for filing #GST returns for the months July’17 and Aug’17.

Furthermore, to ensure a smooth rollout of GST and address industry concerns about return filing, authorities decided that businesses would pay taxes based on a simplified return (Form GSTR-3B) during the first two months of GST implementation. Additionally, this form includes a summary of both outward and inward supplies, which businesses must submit before the 20th of the following month.

Moreover, the GSTR-3B form simplifies the filing process. Registered persons must submit consolidated details in a simplified manner as notified.

Introduction to GSTR-3B

The monthly GST return form effectively simplifies the GST return filing process by consolidating taxable values and tax amounts for outward and inward supplies, input tax credit, and other essential GST transactions. Furthermore, it provides a comprehensive overview of financial transactions within a specified period, ensuring accuracy and compliance with GST regulations. Additionally, this streamlined approach facilitates easier reconciliation and auditing, thereby enhancing overall transparency and accountability in tax reporting

Importance of Timely Filing

Timely filing of GST returns is crucial to avoid penalties and interest charges. Moreover, compliance with filing deadlines ensures financial discipline and prevents additional costs. Furthermore, adhering to these timelines helps maintain smooth business operations and enhances regulatory compliance.

Details to be furnished in Form GSTR-3B is as follows:

1. Outward and Inward Supplies

The tax filing form mandates that taxpayers report consolidated taxable values and tax amounts for both outward and inward supplies, including supplies liable under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). Additionally, it underscores the necessity of accurate reporting to maintain compliance with tax regulations. Furthermore, this reporting requirement ensures transparency in financial transactions and aids in preventing tax evasion.

2. Inter-State Supplies

Details of inter-state supplies made to unregistered persons, composition taxable persons, and those holding Unique Identification Numbers (UIN) must be reported in the GST return filing form applicable to such transactions.

3. Input Tax Credit

Eligible input tax credit can be claimed based on the transactions reported in GSTR-3B, subject to compliance with GST rules and conditions.

4. Exempt, Nil-rated, and Non-GST Inward Supplies

Accurate reporting of exempt, nil-rated, and non-GST inward supplies in GSTR-3B ensures compliance with GST regulations.

5. Payment of Tax and GST TDS/TCS Credit

The GST return form also requires taxpayers to provide details regarding the payment of tax and GST TDS/TCS credits, ensuring comprehensive reporting of financial transactions under GST.

GST returns will have to be filed for the months of July and August 2017 as per the timeline given below:


Firmway’s Role in Assisting with GSTR-3B

Firmway assists businesses in aligning with vendors and customers, thereby ensuring timely filing of their first GST return within a week. As a result, this prevents unintentional interest costs, helping businesses maintain financial efficiency and compliance


The simplified GST compliance process for businesses not only facilitates but also streamlines the return filing process. Moreover, timely and accurate filing is essential to avoid penalties and maintain compliance with GST regulations.



GST Registration: What You Need to Know to Drive Growth

Would only registration lay the perfect platform in Cracking Code to GST Success?

While ruling out the possibilities for any further delay in implementation of GST, Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely had expressed, “Of the total 8.09 million existing tax payers, 81.1% have already registered.”

But would only registration itself  be the Cracking Code to GST?

The Importance of Financial Discipline for GST Compliance

Financial Discipline is the primary intention behind drafting the entire law from the grassroots level.
Financial Discipline also helps you find the revenue leakages and manage your business.
It also helps you allocate resources and expenses, which results in profitable outcome.

The Role of Accurate Input Tax Credit in GST

How can we expect a boy, who is not well-dressed at school entry, to stay disciplined all day? Similarly, taxpayers also need financial discipline by cleaning their books and ensuring accurate input tax credit carry-forward. Consequently, less carry-forward leads to fund blockage; on the other hand, excess invites scrutiny and interest costs.

Ensuring Precise GST Tax Credit Carry-Forward with Invoice-Level Matching

So, how to ensure precise tax credit carry-forward with invoice-level matching?


Common Reasons for inaccurate input tax credit:

  1. The deductions made for quality issues, delay in delivery, damages, etc.
  2. Rejected material not sent back.
  3. In the case of works contract: approval of completed work is pending, escalation claims, scope change claims, etc.
  4. Service tax credit on advance payment.
  5. Invoice not received for Goods and Services, and so forth.

Strategies to Ensure Accurate Input Credit for GST

A. Ask your suppliers, service providers, and customers to share pending invoices, debit/credit notes, and unreported deductions or rejections.


B. Get transaction and balance confirmation from suppliers, service providers, and also customers.

Leveraging Technology for Efficient GST Reconciliation

Strict deadlines for Excise & VAT returns (ending June 30, 2017) significantly affect the feasibility of this activity. Consequently, this is where FIRMWAY’s digital platform comes in, effectively expediting confirmations.
Firmway has impressively achieved 80% reconciliations (in value) within a week, and fortunately, this was accomplished with minimal accounts team involvement

 firmway.in to know more about Firmway.


Receivables: How CFOs can gain Accurate & Reliable Accounts Receivable

How can CFOs gain confidence over its Receivables?

Monthly MIS must never neglect trade receivables. A further increase in overdue receipts puts you in a spot of bother. How can CFOs gain confidence in their receivables?

The stated amount of receivables in the books raises multiple concerns, such as:

  • Whether the amount of receivables stated in the books depicts the actual amount of money to be received..?
  • Is the other party making uninformed deductions..?
  • Are pending payments waiting for adjustment..?
  • Were there any accounting errors distorting the financials..?

Obtaining direct confirmations from the parties would be the ideal solution for all these concerns.

Ironically, confirmations are not termed as a fruitful activity due to the various complications that overshadow the gains achievable in the process. Due to these complications, entities are either skeptical of exercising the conventional process of balance confirmations or they exercise the process only for the sake of compliance.

What are the actual benefits of confirmations?


  • Increases Financial Credibility:
    Confirming balances directly from verified third parties, henceforth boosts the financial statement’s credibility.
  • Timely Reconciliation of Accounts
    Obtaining confirmations also ensures timely book reconciliation with minimal room for otherwise onerous and unrewarding discrepancies.
  • Increases Legal Validity
    A contract is complete only when the receiver accepts and acknowledges the invoice raised. Authorized personnel confirming balances legally bind the opposite party to make the payment

Improves Receivables’ Collection Cycle

Frequent follow ups for periodic confirmations straight from the accounts departments would be instrumental in placing your name at the top in the list of payments.

Additionally, these obtained confirmations can fulfill Auditing Standards’ mandatory requirements when shared with auditors.

Despite the previously mentioned advantages, this process is often unheeded due to the fact that financial decisions are based on ROIs rather than the benefits. However, on the flip side, it is clear that significant financial and human resources are required.

And that’s where FIRMWAY plays a role by making confirmations a reality at absolutely nominal cost.

FIRMWAY is India’s premier online platform for third party confirmations. firmway.in to know more.

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