Balance Confirmation Webinar

Turning Awareness into Action: Why Balance Confirmation Matters in Today’s Business.

Speaker: Jay Mishra, AVP at Firmway Services

February 14th, 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM IST

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Attendees participate

Are you confident your business is financially secure?

Missing out on balance confirmations could leave you vulnerable to fraud and errors. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge and best practices to strengthen your financial reporting and minimize risks.

Webinar Agenda:

Understanding the goals and objectives of CAW.

Demystifying the TPBC process and its benefits for your business

Best practices for effective and efficient balance confirmation.

Learning from real-world case studies from industry experts showcasing successful implementations.

Take action towards improving your financial reporting and compliance.

Support the goals of Confirmation Awareness Week and promote better financial reporting practices

Benefits of attending this webinar

Gain valuable insights:

Understand why balance confirmation is crucial for accurate financial records and informed decision-making.

Improve your financial reporting:

Discover best practices for streamlining the confirmation process and ensuring compliance.

Shape the Future of Finance:

Gain actionable insights and contribute to industry best practices by joining the global movement for better financial reporting through effective balance confirmations.

Who should attend:




Accounting and Finance Professionals





Join the Confirmation Awareness Campaign:

Share your confirmation stories using #MyConfirmationStory on LinkedIn and tag Firmway and we will take your story to the world

Roll out your confirmations and report the figure on LinkedIn

The most unique and interesting stories will be rewarded with100 free digital confirmations from Firmway.

Jay Mishra, AVP at Firmway Services

Meet your expert speaker:

Jay Mishra AVP at Firmway Services

Jay Mishra, with over 8+ years of experience in finance and technology, is a valuable asset to our balance confirmation webinar. Known for implementing advanced financial solutions, Jay has played a key role in optimizing processes for seamless balance confirmation. His ability to simplify complex financial concepts ensures an engaging and informative presentation, making him a crucial asset to our discussion on making balance confirmation processes more efficient.

Secure Your Spot Now!

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to Turning Awareness into Action: Why Balance Confirmation Matters in Today’s Business

Spaces are limited, so reserve your seat now

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