Audit Process Webinar

Audit Process Training Session

Speaker: Prerna Gawade, Senior Support Executive at Firmway Services

9th February, 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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Master Audit Process: A Free Training Session with Firmway Services

Are you facing challenges with audit confirmation procedures? Do you find the process heavy and time-consuming? If so, join Firmway Services’ free training session and discover a smoother, more efficient way to manage your audit confirmations.

Webinar Overview:

Welcome to Firmway Services’ highly anticipated webinar, “Audit Confirmation Training Session.” Therefore, mark your calendar for February 9, 2024, as we delve into the complexity of audit confirmations, led by the esteemed expert Prerna Gawade. Furthermore, this informative session is specifically designed to empower professionals like you with the knowledge and skills essential for effective auditing. Consequently, you will gain insights that can streamline your processes. Ultimately, our goal is to help you achieve audit process excellence. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Audit Process Training Session: Webinar Agenda

Brief introductions of the speaker, Prerna Gawade, from Firmway Services.

Defining audit confirmations and understanding their crucial role in the audit process

Discuss common challenges faced with traditional confirmation procedures

Introduce the benefits of streamlined automated solutions for audit confirmations

Deep Dive into Effective Confirmation Techniques

Showcase Firmway Services’ platform and its features for streamlined audit confirmations

Demonstrating the process of automating confirmation requests while tracking responses and subsequently reporting results.

Highlighting the benefits of increased accuracy, in addition to reduced timelines and improved audit trails.

Provide personalized guidance on using technology. Furthermore, to optimize the confirmation process

In this interactive session, you will learn:

The fundamentals of the Audit Process:

Gain a solid understanding of the purpose, process, and key elements involved in audit confirmations. Furthermore, delve into essential techniques and best practices to optimize your audit process effectively.

Streamlining the confirmation workflow:

Learn proven strategies and techniques to optimize your workflow, thereby saving you valuable time and effort.

Troubleshooting common challenges for the Audit Process:

Receive practical guidance on overcoming common obstacles, as well as effectively resolving issues related to audit confirmations.

This session is ideal for:


Audit professionals


Accounting Professionals




Finance and administrative staff

Benefits of attending:

Increased efficiency:

Streamline your audit confirmation workflow with proven techniques; moreover, leverage technology for improved productivity. Additionally, implement strategies to enhance collaboration and communication within your team.

Enhanced accuracy and reliability:

By implementing best practices, ensure enhanced accuracy and reliability, consequently leading to successful audits.

Reduced risk and improved compliance:

Consequently, minimize the risk of errors and ensure compliance with audit standards and regulations.

Prerna Gawade, Senior Support Executive at Firmway Services

Meet Our Speaker

Prerna Gawade Senior Support Executive at Firmway Services

Prerna Gawade, a seasoned expert in auditing, brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to the table. Additionally, with a successful career spanning several years, she has helped numerous professionals enhance their auditing skills. Moreover, her insights have proven invaluable to the industry, making her a trusted resource for all.

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