Auto-Identification of Struck Off Companies | MCA Disclosures

Storing Data


Firmway helps automate the identification of struck off companies. With a data repository storing data for 1 year, Firmway’s software checks the probability percentage and helps in identifying the companies that have been struck off by the Registrar. The process becomes extremely straightforward once you input relevant information about the companies you deal with.

Audit Confirmation Page Icon

Accurate MCA Disclosures

  • Identify the struck off companies using a 1-year data repository.
  • Get the probability percentage of how many companies are
    there on the struck off list.
  • 100% verification by automating scrutinization of data highlighted.

Save 99% Manual Efforts

  • Bulk search using the list of struck off companies.
  • Download Firmway’s template, input data and upload.
  • Automated matching with MCA’s list.
Struck Off Identification
Struck Off Identification

Reduce Transactions With Struck Off Companies

  • Maintain independent control over the audit confirmation process
  • Detailed audit trails available
  • Simple OTP-based verification for the responses received
  • Complete Documentation in a Zip
  • Listed on ICAI CMP Benefits (

Want to know more about Firmway